Forecast based financing for disaster-prone cities

Forecast based financing for disaster-prone cities

Join us for this session wherein we will explore the application of impact-based forecasting for early action in disaster-prone cities

From cyclones to droughts, African cities have suffered enormous setbacks due to predictable natural hazards. In this session, we will explore an innovative approach to disaster preparedness that uses impact-based forecasting coupled anticipatory financing mechanism for early actions.


Host: Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

Kampala, Uganda

Session Summary

The session Forecast based financing for Disaster-prone cities, hosted by Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre explores disaster preparedness through impact-based forecasting in cities.

Urban resilience advisor, Eddie Jjemba provides an introductory understanding of climate change as a risk magnifier in cities with its greatest impact on the most vulnerable people. He emphasises the need for anticipation rather than reaction in disaster management and the increased accuracy of scientific data in making reliable predictions. Forecast-based financing is identified and discussed as a tool for strategic preparation and crisis diversion in cities.

The Impact-based Forecasting Model currently used at the RCRC Climate centre is presented by panellist Irene Amuron. Amuron unpacks the model in 8 consecutive steps with practical examples from the case of Hanoi.

Attendees acquire a broad overview of Forecasting and financial resource management in disaster prone cities as well as different tools and sources to utilize and consult.