Once your registration has been submitted, you are liable for payment. In case the payment is not received within 7 working days of the date of the invoice, the booking will be cancelled.
Cancellations and amendments should be sent in writing via email to riseafrica@iclei.org.
For cancellations received on or before 30 March 2020, 90% of the registration fee will be refunded (following the deduction of a 10% administration fee). After 30 March 2020, no refunds will be made, but names can be substituted on special request.
Refunds will only be processed from July 2020 onwards.
Full Time Student Price: If you have registered for RISE Africa as a student, please send proof of registration from your educational institution along with your proof of payment.
ICLEI Member Price: Only ICLEI members in good standing will qualify for the member rate. For membership queries please email membership.africa@iclei.org